
Created by Eve 3 years ago

冯牧师是我在英国教会(国语教会)第一个牧养牧师。 我的印象中的冯牧师,没什么大道理。 牧师的讲道带着港音的普通话,夹着香港广东话的幽默 的讲道,总能使我认真思考。“讲就天下无敌,做就有心无力” -这个牧师一次讲道中的笑话,至今提醒我跟随耶稣生命最重要。 

对我们许多晚辈而言,牧师和师母过去5年多抗癌的路程是一扇窗户,让我看到信心是可以真实平常的-是”即或不然”;让我看到一步一脚印跟随信靠的样子-”its one step at a time”牧师说; 让我看到忠心服侍真实而踏实的例子。

So many memories, we will dearly miss him. To us he is spiritual fater. I am really touched by the sentence in the family’s sharing “lets celebrate the life story God has written for pastor John”, and that he strived to finish well. God is good. 

Lots of love

Gideon, 泳杏 and family.