Serving Christ together in Paris

Created by McTair 3 years ago

Our first encounters with our dearly beloved brother John Hung happened in the early 1990's. God had orchestrated connections through Tome Hansel, a US missionary in France, and Kevin Luong, a Canadian pastor from one of our sending Churches in Toronto. We learned that John and Tome were trying to plant a Chinese Church in our area and that they needed any help we could give. That was the beginning of a long friendship with John and Patty and their children. I had just finished my French-language courses at the Sorbonne when John asked me to preside the French part of the bilingual service in a Pizza Restaurant where the Church-Plant was meeting. John and me had gone over the details of the service and we found the wording in French for what he was going to say in Cantonese. During the service, we went back and forth, between Cantonese and French in perfect unison; so much so that some people were surprised because they thought that I understood Cantonese. These were important days in caring for the second generation that John already had on his heart. John invited us often to be involved in helping out at the newly established Chinese Church in Eastern Paris, as well as sharing meals together.

The climax of our service together in Eastern Paris came in a surprising form, when the Mayor of our city (representing the Communist Party) welcomed us into her office and promised to support our jointe French-Chinese building project. The project has difficulties passing the local city council, but the Mayor decided to back our project for reasons that were beyond us. We were three pastors in her office: an Indian, a Chinese and a French. She told us that she was not religious, nor was she in suport of our religious beliefs. However, she loved what she saw: multiculturalism and she said that this was what she wanted for her city. God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform! With the Mayor's backing, the French and Chinese Churches were granted the building permit with the condition that we would build one structure and find a way to divide the building into two sections. This was the Mayor's proposal for moving forward and finding acceptance from the city council. God moves in mysterious ways to accomplish his purposes, and John and his family were at the centre of those purposes. Under John's very competent and spiritual leaderhip, and against many oppositions, God did what was unthinkable on French soil: He planted a vibrant Chinese congregation which became visible for all to see via the buidling project in partnership with a French Church. This was a unique event in French Church history, and yet most of us didn't recognize it at the moment. At the heart of this amazing work of God, there was John Hung's faithfulness, perseverance, incredible faith in the God who moves mountains and a deep love for his people.

We are so thankful for the example of the loving,visionary and servanthood leadership that John embodied for us all. He will be greatly missed. Yet, in his promotion to glory, he has already heard, "We done my good and faithful servant. Enter into my rest!" We know very much that John did not simply lived for this life, but that he was filled with hope in the God who raises the dead and who welcomes his children into this eternal embrace. Looking forward to enjoy the eteranl rest in the arms of our glorious Lord and Saviour, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Rev. Dr. McTair Wall