In loving memory of 馮宗榮牧師

English / Anglais

After battling cancer for 5.5 years, the Lord has finally called him home on Thursday 4th November 2021 in London, UK. He passed away peacefully in his sleep. On this page, we would like to invite you all to share your photos and memories of the late Rev. John Hung, beloved husband and father, no matter how ordinary they may seem.

Two days before he passed, he shared that he would like to write up his life story. Sadly it is not something he was able to do, but hopefully this tribute is one way we can remember and celebrate the life story God has written for him through your sharing.

We are so grateful for your love and support towards our family.

Blessings in Christ, 

Patty, Charis and Matthew.

French / Français

Après 5 ans ½ de bataille contre le cancer, le Seigneur l'a finalement rappelé dans sa patrie céleste le jeudi 4 novembre 2021 à Londres. Il est parti paisiblement dans son sommeil.
Dans ce site, nous souhaiterions vous inviter à partager vos photos et souvenirs du pasteur John Hung, bien-aimé époux et père, même les détails qui vous semblent les plus ordinaires.

Deux jours avant son départ, il disait vouloir rédiger son récit de vie. Il n'a malheureusement pas pu le faire, mais nous espérons que cet hommage soit une façon de nous rappeler et célébrer l'histoire que Dieu a écrite pour sa vie à travers vos témoignages.

Nous sommes très reconnaissants pour votre amour et votre soutien envers notre famille.

Bénédictions en Christ,

Patty, Charis et Matthew.


We'd love to hear from you. Thank you for your contributions. 我們很想聽到您的分享, 謝謝您們. Cliquez ci-dessous pour contribuer à l'hommage au Pasteur Hung : photo, vidéo, histoire, pensée.


遲到的懷念馮牧師留言,(因電信和語言的不靈通) 牧師您講壇上的教導、在巴黎的年日您如何為建堂的奔波為人靈魂而不停的努力,歷歷在目猶如昨天,記得十多廿年前我去您家中參加每周一次的禱告會,您如何教導我們禱告,讓我今日能在禱告方面幫助其他的肢體,而在您患病其間您都不嫌艱難與師母經常從倫敦到巴黎來探視和用神的話語堅固您的羊群、包括關懷探視不同教會的弟兄姊妹,遵行主耶穌的好榜樣,愛人的靈魂甚至關心我們日常的生活,經常關心我的兒女們及至他們的婚姻。啊⋯今日您得到父神的賞賜脫離病痛的折磨,享受父神給您的冠冕! 我們在世不易!但必須起來繼續去完成主的吩咐,也是馮牧師您的心願。 我們存著懷念和感恩的心,確信我們是有盼望的,我們必能在天家相遇! Patty馮師母Charis,Matthew 我們一起努力! 巴黎浸信會生命堂 懷念您的 陳李蘭芳/陳仁鋒
28th May 2022
I used to sit at my favourite place during Sunday services, have a preference of a number of preachers and particularly dislike Mandarin hymns. When any of these ‘unfavourable’ conditions occur, I could be unsettled, became critical and even switched off during part of the service. One could also imagine how I felt during the period of joint Cantonese and Mandarin services!! I particularly remember one fine Sunday morning. It happened to be one of those when none of the good boxes were ticked. I wasn’t sitting at my usual place. All the worship songs were in Mandarin and the preacher wasn’t one of my fav. But somehow, while switching on and off the sermon, I heard how one could set up unnecessary boundaries when worshipping God… and that our focus should be on worshipping God alone with our hearts and not on other external circumstances…My heart began to pounce real fast!! I was suddenly brought to shame by my so called ‘humility’ I thought I had. Who was I to judge any servants of God who are working tirelessly for our church!! This powerful sermon remained one of the unforgettable sermons in my heart!! It was delivered by our beloved Pastor Fung!! I have since enjoyed many joint Mandarin and Cantonese services. I have even grown to love singing Mandarin hymns and reciting scriptures in Mandarin. Last but not least, when listening to sermons, I will try to receive the message from God, not on how it is delivered because preachers can have different styles to the ones I prefer. Pastor Fung’s teaching has definitely made a difference in my life. I came to understand how important it is to have the right posture when worshiping God. Thank you so much Pastor Fung !! Stephanie Lui
11th January 2022
Pastor John was a good encourager. He always challenged us to do something new and big for God. He will leave big shoes to fill and is a good role model to learn from. 2 Peter 1:10 My brothers and sisters, God called you and chose you to be his. Do your best to live in a way that shows you really are God’s called and chosen people. If you do all this, you will never fall. We will see you again in heaven. Eric Chan and Trustees of Liverpool Chinese Gospel Church
18th December 2021
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