How pastor Hung helped save my whole family

Created by Irene 3 years ago

I always tell this story when I tell people about my conversion story: if it wasn't for pastor John who came to ask my dad to come into the church, I wouldn't have have been able to know God. 

Until 6, I was not raised in a Christian family. I remember hearing my siblings swearing, my parents arguing all the time... until the Ha family invited my parents to their baptism in 1994, at the Pizzeria in Noisiel. Following that, my mom decided to go back to church (she grew up with a Christian education from nuns in HK). However, my dad was very reluctant, because of his own story (losing his whole family back in Cambodia due to the war, he counted on himself and reasoned that if there was a God, he must not care much as He let my dad's family be decimated). Therefore, on Sunday afternoons, my dad would drive my mom to the church and stay in his car. The four kids, we would follow my mom sometimes, but most often, my two brothers didn't want to come to church because they saw a documentary on brain-washing cults on TV, and did not want to be "brain-washed". One day, as my dad was napping in his car, waiting for us to come out from the service, Pastor John came to the car, telling my dad that he could always go in once and try to stay, but that he was always free to go back to his car if he didn't feel comfortable. So my dad did this first step of entering into the church/pizzeria, and this step changed his life, as well as the entire destiny of our whole family. I was 6 at the time. Today, I am in Canada, doing a PhD in Biblical studies, after having answered to God's calling 6 years ago to serve in a fuller capacity in ministry. I can never thank Pastor John enough to have planted this church in the Eastern suburbs of Paris, and having helped save my whole family for eternity. Thanks to Jesus, it is not farewell, but see you soon Pastor John! Your legacy has no end, and you will be dearly missed.