Yvonne 12th November 2021

I would like to thank God for bringing me back to God’s family 28 years ago through Moxi. My husband and children also got baptised later at the Chinese Baptist church of Eastern Paris ! These last years although Moxi dealt with health issues, the needs of the Eastern Paris church were always on in his heart! Before the pandemic he came from London to Paris regularly to help in the developement of church ministry . He cares so much about each co worker and visited brothers & sisters. The schedule of his trip was always very tight each time. I know he was tired but he loved our church so much that he was willing to serve faithful despite of his sickness. Dear Moxi, thank you so much for your love for us, we will miss you forever ! 感謝神透過牧師在28年前把我再次帶回神的家,我的丈夫也在牧師帶領下受洗歸入基督,及後子女都在巴黎東區華人浸信會成為神的兒女! 近幾年牧師雖然身體欠佳,但仍然記掛著東區教會的需要,在疫情前每隔一段時間都來巴黎幫助教會的事工發展,關心每一位理事同工的服事,及探望弟兄姊妹,每次短短幾天的時間都排得滿滿...知道他雖然疲倦,但因為他愛東區教會,他願意不辭勞苦,忠心地為主而作... 敬愛的馮牧師,衷心感謝你對我們的愛!我們永遠懷念你! Yvonne