Andrew and Linda 12th November 2021

紀念主𥚃忠心牧者,馮宗榮牧師,多年在巴黎,倫敦盡心事奉,是我倆的良師好友,助我們認識歐洲教會,並且多次一起同工,深知他和師母的勞苦,絕不徒然,願主加賜力量,安慰及保守師母和家人。 黃可順、林定瀾 With fond memory we remember God’s faithful servant Rev. John Hung. For many years he diligently ministered to Chinese families and students in Paris, London and many cities in greater Europe. He was a good friend to us. His example in ministry had been our inspiration. Definitely the fruits of his and together with Mrs. Hung’s labour in the Lord will remain in many hearts. May God’s comfort and grace continue to be the strength for Patty and their family. Andrew & Linda Wong